Sunday, November 2, 2008

Disclaimer: This random stream of consciousness is the product of too much coffee consumed during a late night. Enjoy……

Lately, I have come to the realization that life is in a constant state of flux. At least my life seems to have been that way as far back as I can remember. I used to resist it. I used to deny it. I now feel less inclined to choose either of those options and simply accept and embrace the reality that life is full of chaos. Chaos is not necessarily a bad thing. It just simply means that events in life are not as predictable as I had previously believed.

Update: I realize that it seems like an eternity since I have last graced the blogosphere with my presence, but this is for good reason. In August, I left the church of my youth and began a new journey with a church that better embodies what Lindsey and I feel called to do as part of the Body of Christ. This means that I am no longer occupationally a minister to youth. I am now a manager at a fledgling pizza restaurant in the heart of downtown Tulsa’s party district. This is a way of paying the bills, meeting interesting people I wouldn’t otherwise come into contact with, and shattering people’s misconceptions of what it means to follow Jesus in our current context. Lindsey and I have also purchased and moved into a new house on the north side of town (the “black” part of town), with the desire to be a blessing to our neighbors and a small embodiment of racial reconciliation.

Picking up where I left off: If you had told me one year ago that Lindsey and I would be where we are, attempting to do what we are doing, I would have thought that you were out of your mind. Now, it feels quite natural to think that where we currently are is the next step in the journey.

Embracing disorder and uncertainty as the metaphor in which we live means that we must dive deeper into the faith of our forefathers, who accepted martyrdom as a possibility at any moment. Embracing chaos means that we accept the reality that life is full of surprises. It means we take each twist and turn in life with a healthy level of responsibility, understanding that we choose how we respond to each circumstance in which we find ourselves. It also means that we must find some type of stability in a community of likeminded people who are also attempting to live in this state of chaos and flux, understanding our calling as priests of God and our duty to distribute grace to one another.

So what now? Now it’s time to go to bed so I can be rested for whatever tomorrow or even tonight may hold. Now is also time to turn out the light and get my beautiful wife some water. Did I mention that she’s pregnant? Time for more chaos.


mark said...

so great to be on this journey with you both. Congrats on being pregnant.

mark and Pam

TSHarrison said...

well great googli-moog-ily how awesome is that! if it's a boy...i'll let you name him after me...Trevor Boyls. has a nice ring to it.
i'm incredibly proud of you two...